Ropenet Group's special training session on "Structure and Performance Characteristics of Fiber Raw Materials for Rope Nets" was successfully held
2022/02/26 08:36
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In order to improve the professional knowledge level of employees, strengthen the construction of a "learning" company, and effectively enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of the group, on February 12, Ropenet Group held the first professional technical knowledge training meeting for rope nets in the new year. The training invited Jiang Runxi, the chief engineer of the group and a professor-level senior engineer, to take "structure and performance characteristics of fiber raw materials for rope nets" as the training theme, starting from the relationship between the structure and performance of fiber raw materials for rope nets, and systematically shared for everyone. Ropenet Group Chairman Shen Ming, President Qiu Yanping, and more than 200 senior executives of the Group, various functional departments of the Group, factory managers of each branch and production process quality personnel participated in the special training meeting, and made Ropenet Qingdao through remote video live broadcast. The company and Dongping Company participated in the synchronous learning at the branch venue. It is hoped that through this special training work, the employees can further deepen the systematic cognition of the knowledge in the field of fiber materials for rope nets, and enhance the comprehensive quality and skill level of the employees.

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Starting from fiber, the main factor that determines the performance characteristics of rope nets, Mr. Jiang explained the concept, classification, source, production method and other related basic knowledge of fibers in detail. Then, Mr. Jiang focused on the molecular structure characteristics of commonly used fibers for rope nets and summarized the The relationship between the molecular structure of common fibers and high-performance fibers of rope nets and basic properties such as fiber density, strength, elongation, modulus, aging resistance, corrosion resistance, and creep was analyzed. , the lecture adopts a variety of teaching methods such as picture display, case examples, performance comparison, etc., which are explained in simple language, vivid and easy to understand. In the class, all the students listened attentively, took notes, took courseware and interacted with the teacher from time to time, forming a good learning atmosphere.

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People are the foundation of everything, and talents are the lifeblood that determines the future development of an enterprise. Ropenet Group adheres to the talent development idea of "people-oriented" and the employment concept of "everyone is a talent, and appearance is the key". Create a good learning atmosphere within the group, stimulate the vitality of the organization and individuals, and realize the common development of employees and enterprises. Let everyone become a Ropenet who "want to do, can do, and do good things", and let each Ropenet "do one thing and do one thing". Continue to cultivate more rope net elites and contribute strong Rope power to the realization of the Chinese dream!

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