Rope News | Taishan District's 2022 "Ropenet Cup" and the 7th Ropenet Group Speech Contest at Ropenet Group
2022/06/23 14:13
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In order to further carry out the 21st national "Production Month" activities and strengthen the development concept, on June 23, the theme of "Comply with the Production Law, Be a Good Responsible Person" will be held in Taishan District in 2022 "Ropenet Cup" and the seventh Ropenet Group. 2018 Speech Contest at Ropenet Group. The event was hosted by the Taishan District Emergency Management Bureau and Shanggao Sub-district Office, undertaken by Ropenet Group and the Municipal Production Association, Song Xijun, Deputy Director of the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau, Zhao Chuanqiang, Deputy Chief of the Science and Technology and Information Section of the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau, and Taishan District Emergency Management Director Song Limin, Deputy Director Liu Zuohai, Director Zhang Yong and Deputy Director Zhang Rui of Shanggao Sub-district Office, Li Candong, Deputy Director of Daiyue District Emergency Management Bureau, Han Yongbo, Deputy Director of Dongping County Emergency Management Bureau, and Taishan District Fire Rescue Brigade, Dai Yue District Fire Rescue Brigade and other relevant leaders attended the competition and served as judges. Group leaders such as Ropenet Group Chairman Shen Ming, President Qiu Yanping, Chief Engineer Jiang Runxi, and Executive Vice President Zuo Longfeng attended the speech competition.


On behalf of Ropenet Group, Mr. Shen extended a warm welcome and thanks to all the leaders who attended the speech contest. At the same time, Mr. Shen emphasized the importance of production work, hoping to improve the awareness and sense of responsibility of the majority of employees through this competition, and wished the competition a success.


Song Xijun, deputy director of the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau, said that work is no trivial matter. He hoped that through this speech contest, we would continue to increase publicity efforts and further increase the importance of each unit to work. Strong line of defense.


The 19 contestants elected from various streets, towns and parks in Taishan District, as well as Daiyue District and Dongping County, closely adhered to the speech theme of "obey the production law and be a good responsible person", using real cases around them, from different perspectives, Different levels tell the stories about production that happened around me and in my work, and explain the correct understanding. The whole game, one after another, colorful.


After fierce competition, 1 first prize, 2 second prizes and 3 third prizes were selected.


Director Song Limin of the Taishan District Emergency Management Bureau fully affirmed the success of this event, and asked all units to take the opportunity of organizing the "Production Month" event to effectively implement and publicize the newly revised "Production Law" and be good at using the rule of law thinking. Solve outstanding production problems with the rule of law, implement the full responsibility system, be a good responsible person, and continue to extend the "production month" activities to enterprises, schools, families, communities and rural areas, and create a good atmosphere for the whole society to participate in management. Promote the high-quality economic and social development of Taishan District.


Work has only a starting point and no end point. Always work hard and persevere, and the alarm bell will always ring. We will use this speech contest as an opportunity to continue to organize activities, implement the concept to everyone, always protect, do things seriously, and be a responsible person. Bearing in mind the earnest entrustment of "life first", with the consciousness of keeping the original intention and taking on the mission, we will do all the work of production well, and create a good atmosphere for all employees to participate in management, so that the string of production will be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. A harmonious production environment provides a strong guarantee for the city's construction of a new industrialized and strong city.