Rope News | Leaders of Shandong Special Education Vocational College and representatives of teachers and students visited Ropenet Group for investigation and research
2022/06/08 14:33
Rope making machine

It is emphasized that "the cause of disabled persons must continue to be promoted" and "the disabled shall develop and prosper together". In the new journey of building a modern country, the disabled must not be left behind. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, we must continue to develop the cause of the disabled, unite and lead the disabled and the whole country to participate in the great practice of building a modern country, and jointly build and share a happier and better life.


On June 7th, more than 30 people including leaders of Shandong Special Education Vocational College, teachers and graduate representatives visited Ropenet Group. President Qiu Yanping of Ropenet Group, Executive Vice President Zuo Longfeng and other group leaders participated in the reception.


First of all, the students watched the group's promotional video and the Ropenet culture and art exhibition hall, and learned about the development overview of the Ropenet Group, the fields involved in the products, the construction of corporate culture, the global business distribution and the employment of special groups. The visit enriched the students' comprehensive understanding of the rope and net industry, and deepened the students' understanding of the Ropenet Group, especially the group's role in helping special groups to find employment and entrepreneurship, and at the same time enhanced the exchanges between schools and enterprises. The cultivation of talents and the solution of employment problems have played a role.


Afterwards, the students went to some of the industrial parks of the group to conduct on-site inspections. The heads of the production units gave detailed explanations to the industrial parks, allowing the students to have a deeper understanding of the group's employment environment, rope net culture and art creation, and production environment. and other related content.

The cause of the disabled is an important part, and helping the disabled is an important symbol of social civilization and progress. Based on the new development stage, implementing new development concepts, building a new development pattern, adhering to the support of the weak, with the theme of promoting the high-quality development of the cause of the disabled, with the main line of consolidating and expanding the achievements in poverty alleviation for the disabled, the development of the disabled and common prosperity, Protect the equal rights of the disabled, improve the well-being of the disabled people, enhance the ability of the disabled to develop themselves, promote the modernization of the cause of the disabled, and continuously meet the needs of the disabled for a better life. In recent years, with the concept of "self-improvement and poverty alleviation and sharing of assistance for the disabled", with the support of industrial development and the coordination of government and enterprise as the guarantee, Rupnet Group has carried out vocational skills training courses for the disabled and poverty alleviation for many times, attracting more than 20 disabled persons in total. Employment, and build a new platform for employment and training for the disabled. Encourage disabled persons to find employment and start businesses, realize the value of life, and demonstrate the corporate responsibility and social responsibility of not forgetting to repay the society with practical actions.