Rope News: Shandong 2024 Safety production start "First lesson" activity Ropenet actively live share safety work experience
2024/02/20 08:59
rope machine


In order to help enterprises resume work and production after the Spring Festival, sponsored by Shandong Emergency Department, Tai 'an Emergency Bureau, Taishan District People's Government, by Taishan District Emergency Bureau, Shanggao Sub-district office, Provincial Zhuang Town people's Government, Taishan Economic Development Zone, Tai 'an Taihe Electric Power Equipment Co., LTD., Ropenet Group Co., LTD. Taian Qicheng Wheel Manufacturing Co., LTD., in 2024 Shandong Province safety production start "the first lesson" and Tai 'an City big warning big learning big reflection event will be held in Taishan District on February 19.


The event has 1 main venue and 2 sub-venues, and is targeted at enterprises and public institutions in 16 prefectures and cities across the province, with 30 million online participants. Taking the Internet mobile live broadcast, through the explanation of three main persons in charge of the enterprise, the principle of "enterprise success in safety failure in accident" was deeply clarified, and the importance of safety production was emphasized.


As one of the sub-venues, Ropenet Group showed everyone the "first lesson" of safe production, and Chairman Shen Ming delivered an important speech: Ropenet Group, as a diversified enterprise in the industrial chain, covers raw material supply, production and manufacturing, product research and development, sales and after-sales service and other links, involving many employees and enterprises. From the perspective of production safety, ensuring the life safety and health of employees is the cornerstone of enterprise development.


In recent years, with the guidance and help of the provincial and municipal emergency management departments, our safety management work has been greatly improved. We at Rupnett have been adhering to the "safety for the day, prevention first" safety concept. Through the implementation of the system of "start the first lesson", morning meeting, warning education meeting, etc., we regularly organize all employees to hold information meetings and accident case analysis meetings to strengthen warnings, improve quality, and tree firm awareness. And emphasize: the main person in charge of the enterprise is the first responsible person for the safety of production, which is the sacred responsibility entrusted to us by law!


After the live broadcast, in order to further implement the theme of the activity, the group company conducted safety training for all staff in the New Year.


The success of the event not only created a good foundation for safe production for Rupnett Group, but also injected a "strong needle" for the province's enterprises to resume work and production. In the future, Ropenet Group will continue to be committed to safe production, create a safe and healthy working environment for employees, and contribute to the sustainable development of the company and social progress.

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