Rope News | Zhong Shan, a researcher from the Intellectual Property Protection Office of Shandong Intellectual Property Office, visited Ropenet Group for research
2022/08/13 10:50
Ball winding machine

On July 28, Zhong Shan, a researcher of the Intellectual Property Protection Office of Shandong Intellectual Property Office, and Chen Junzhu, a researcher and deputy director of the Personnel Department of the State Intellectual Property Office, accompanied by members of the market party group, deputy director Liu Jianguang and other leaders, came to Ropenet Group to discuss knowledge The property rights protection work was investigated, and the group's chairman Shen Ming, president Qiu Yanping and other senior executives of the group accompanied the investigation.


Researcher Zhong Shan and his entourage visited the Group's Rope Net Culture and Technology Museum, and had an in-depth understanding of the Group's operation, culture and brand building, as well as the Group's high-value cultivation, high-performance rope (cable) net products industrialization application promotion and upstream and downstream industries chain building, etc. Investigator Zhong Shan and his party fully affirmed the Ropenet Group's exploration of the rope net industry, attaching great importance to the cultivation and protection of high value, and promoting the transformation of value achievements. The transformation and application of product research and development and achievements will promote the upgrading of traditional industrial systems, high-value cultivation and protection, and promote the high-quality development of the rope and net industry.


As an intangible asset, intellectual property is an important manifestation of an enterprise's innovation capability and core competitiveness. As a leader in the rope and net industry, Ropenet Group attaches great importance to the protection and application of intellectual property rights. In 2013, it began to implement intellectual property standards and set up an intellectual property office to continue to maintain the stable operation of the intellectual property management system. It has been successively rated as Shandong Province Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise and National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise. Now it has 306 items, including 42 inventions. In 2019 and 2020, it won the "Gold Award" of China's textile industry for two consecutive years, with the 21st, 22nd and 23rd sessions. In 2021, the "High-performance Fiber Buffer Energy Absorption and Early Warning Rope" project of Shandong Rope Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Group, won the first prize in the 2021 China Shandong New and Old Kinetic Energy Conversion High-value Cultivation Competition.


Across the sea, we are heroes. We are running hard on the way forward, always taking the revitalization of the national industry as our own responsibility, being a pioneer in practicing the rope net dream and realizing the Chinese dream, providing reliable value products for human beings, and allowing more and better products to be with us. Services benefit the world and continue to make greater contributions to human development.