Rope fun | Climbing new fun, experience a new way
2022/03/24 14:28
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A variety of outdoor games and sports activities can cultivate children's interest and habit of participating in sports activities, enhance physical fitness, and improve their ability to adapt to the environment. Childhood is a critical period for building good physical fitness. From the perspective of the law of children's growth and development and talent growth, "physical development is most closely related to large-scale or large-scale physical activities such as running, jumping, climbing, and climbing." It is more scientific and appropriate to put physical exercise in the first place, and this kind of physical exercise is also realized in the form of games.

By playing rope nets and climbing, children gradually understand their own body and realize its capabilities and limitations. At the same time, they can strengthen skeletal muscle ability, cardiopulmonary ability, body balance, flexibility, and improve movement coordination, flexibility, speed and explosiveness. Various forms of climbing greatly satisfy children's desire for competitive experience, and in the process of climbing and climbing, children can form a good character that is brave and not afraid of difficulties.

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Shandong Yudejian Sports Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Ropenet Group's amusement sector, takes "safety, technology, happiness, and growth" as its purpose, and has launched hand-woven rope net amusement facilities and other outdoor projects. Children fully enjoy the joy brought by the rope and net integrated play. Both skills and innovation are emphasized, and one set of facilities can complete various games; both agility and science ensure children’s activities are safe and interesting; both practicality and design are considered to highlight high-end quality; both fun and safety are emphasized, and every link Safe and environmentally friendly materials are used in the selection and installation of materials, which can easily help children exercise and improve their physique. Respect the individual differences of children, the activity setting is scientific and diverse, and children can choose different paths to achieve the same goal. Help children develop a spirit of courage and challenge.

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The outdoors has always been a world that children yearn for, giving children a game atmosphere where they can freely "climb, run and jump", let them roam freely in the world of rope nets, climb new fun, and experience new ways of play.