Rope News|Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Jia Yuliang, the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, visited Ropenet Group for investigation
2022/06/20 14:20
Ball winding machine


In order to safeguard the labor security rights and interests of enterprise employees and promote the implementation of a series of policies to aid enterprises and stabilize jobs, on June 18, Jia Yuliang, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Party Group and Director of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and member of the Party Group and Level 2 of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. Researcher Zhou Min, member of the Party Group of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Municipal Social Insurance Business, Director Qiao Lei and other research teams visited Ropenet Group for research. Group executives participated in the survey.


First of all, Vice Minister Jia Yuliang and his party visited the Group Rope Net Culture and Technology Museum. Learned in detail about the operation of the group, the development history of the enterprise, the culture and brand building, the employment of the enterprise, especially the absorption of college graduates, and the industrial application and promotion of the group's high-performance rope (cable) net products and the establishment of the upstream and downstream industry chains. Happening. The research team fully affirmed the achievements of the Ropenet Group after 20 years of continuous development, and gave a high degree of contribution to the group's contribution to the training of rope net technical personnel and the innovation and development of rope net technology. 's praise.


Afterwards, the two parties had a discussion on the implementation of the Group's policies on deferred payment of corporate social insurance premiums, stable job return of unemployment insurance, and recruitment of college graduates. The research team gave corresponding guidance to the group in terms of employment and the implementation of talent policies. This symposium increased the interaction between the government and enterprises, effectively guaranteed the employment and recruitment needs of enterprises, and played a role in the cultivation and employment of comprehensive industrial talents.

If the talents are strong, the enterprise will prosper, and if the enterprise is strong, the talents will gather. Ropenet Group always adheres to the "people-oriented" talent development idea, pays attention to talent training, motivates organizations and individuals through a perfect talent training system and career development system, and strives to transform human advantages into enterprise competitive advantages and development advantages, providing industry talents with better A good enterprise platform will continue to inject new momentum into the rapid development of the enterprise, realize the common development of employees and the enterprise, and provide a strong talent guarantee for the realization of the rope net dream. Lay a solid foundation for the implementation of talent-strengthening enterprises and building a talent highland.