Rope culture - Understand all the wisdom, the achievement of the rope net dream
2024/04/25 11:13
rope making machine


On April 7, 2024, Ropenet Group had the honor to invite Mr. Shen Debin to teach the course "The Four Disciplines of Fan and Intelligent Life". Ropenet Group Chairman Shen Ming, President Qiu Yanping, Chief engineer, Deputy General Manager Jiang Runxi, Executive Deputy General Manager Zuo Longfeng and other senior executives and more than 200 Rope elites participated in the training.


The Four Teachings of Fan is a book written by Mr. Yuan Jafan in Ming Dynasty based on his personal experience and what he has learned all his life. Let me do it, let me do it. With his own personal experience, Mr. Fan tells us: as long as the accumulation of good deeds, fate can be changed.

Over the years, Shen has devoted himself to the study of "The Four Disciplines of Fan", and led everyone to understand the basic content of "the Four Disciplines of Fan" in the course of teaching. Through humorous explanations, he aroused everyone's enthusiasm, and through easy to understand interpretation methods, let everyone appreciate the contemporary value of "the four disciplines of Fan" and extraordinary life wisdom.

During the process, Rope elites were enthusiastic and shared their experiences with other Rope families.

"Let me do it, let me be blessed." Destiny is created by oneself, and blessings are accumulated by oneself. Fate is in your own hands, as long as you are willing to work hard, do more good deeds, blessings must be more and more. Just like sowing, fertilizing, watering and weeding the earth, when the harvest time comes, it will naturally be full.

The Chinese nation has nurtured profound cultural deposits in the long river of five thousand years of history. The Four Precepts of Fan is the embodiment of traditional Chinese culture and the treasure and essence of Chinese culture.

Be generous, do things according to the king's way, dedication is the way of heaven. Roopnet Group adheres to the mission of revitalizing national industry, creating an international brand, providing safe and assured value products for mankind, and takes integrity, dedication and responsibility as the spirit of enterprise, which is exactly the interpretation and inheritance of all wisdom, reflecting the good quality of Roopu people's willingness to contribute, hard work and progress. All Roopu people's Chinese culture, with strong thoughts as the spiritual pillar. Use rich culture as a help to move forward, traditional culture, and erect correct life values. Create social value, contribute to the society, and make contributions to the great rejuvenation of the nation!
