Research On Speed Regulation Method Of Winding Machine

2021/08/10 14:17
 Winding Machine

Research On Speed Regulation Method Of Winding Machine

In the manual winding system, the production efficiency of the winding is low due to the style of The wound products and the skillability of the operator. specifically within the growth of the wide variety of Turns, which includes the quantity of character motor turns within the millennium or 10,000-diploma motor, the Manual winding efficiency is even lower . 

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Because of the inconsistent anxiety of the wires, the Accuracy of the range of windings is not assured, and raw substances are wasted. the importance of The outside tension carried out to the magnet twine relies upon at the move-sectional dimension of the Magnet cord. distinctive specifications of the electromagnetic twine, the tension required within the coil Winding method is also extraordinary. 

If the anxiety is simply too massive, the insulation of the bread outside the Electromagnetic twine is without problems scratched. if the tension is too small, the coil forming is truly now not Best .

At some point of the winding manner, each ends of the workpiece Have to be clamped, so that it will cause the magnetic properties of the workpiece to alternate, affecting the Best of the workpiece.