
Winder machine
Affected by the recent autumn floods of the Yellow River and continuous local rainfall, the water level of Dongping Lake has exceeded the warning level for many consecutive days, and the flood control situation of Jinshan Dam is very severe. Dongping County organized more than 5,000 people to continuously build the dam day and night to ensure the safety of people's lives and property around the lake area.
Shandong Offshore Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Ropenet Group, actively implements the concept of "inheriting Chinese virtues and promoting Rope's love", and understands and pays attention to the dangerous situation of Dongping Lake at the first time. The trip demonstrates the spirit of great love that one party is in trouble and all parties support.
2021/10/20 09:05
Rope Making Machine
2021/10/19 16:13
Ring Twister
2021/10/19 14:38
Extruder Machine
2021/10/19 14:10
Winder machine
Affected by the recent autumn floods of the Yellow River and continuous local rainfall, the water level of Dongping Lake has exceeded the warning level for many consecutive days, and the flood control situation of Jinshan Dam is very severe. Dongping County organized more than 5,000 people to continuously build the dam day and night to ensure the safety of people's lives and property around the lake area.
Shandong Offshore Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Ropenet Group, actively implements the concept of "inheriting Chinese virtues and promoting Rope's love", and understands and pays attention to the dangerous situation of Dongping Lake at the first time. The trip demonstrates the spirit of great love that one party is in trouble and all parties support.