
Auto cutting machine
Recently, the China National Textile and Apparel Council released the list of selected products and units of the top ten categories of textile innovation products for 2021. Ropenet Group's "Ice Climbing Equipment" and its subsidiary Shandong Rope Technology Co., Ltd. "Water Floating Rescue Equipment" both won Honorary title of "2021 Top Ten Textile Innovative Products".
2021/11/20 10:12
Inverter Winder
On November 4th, representatives of teachers and students of Shandong First Medical University visited Ropenet Group and the Human Resources Department of Ropenet Group was responsible for accompanying the reception.
2021/11/19 09:54
Vertical type split film making machine
Recently, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Shandong Province issued a notice on the announcement of the list of gazelles and unicorn enterprises in Shandong Province in 2021. Shandong Offshore Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Ropenet Group, was successfully selected.
2021/11/11 10:22
Cam Winder
Rock climbing is known as the "Ballet on the Rock". It is a sport that integrates exploration, competition, fitness, entertainment and viewing. On October 26, the "China Sports Lottery" Rock Climbing Competition of the 11th National Fitness Games of Shandong Province kicked off in the rock climbing field of Tai'an Sports Center. 136 athletes from 8 teams across the province presented a high-level economic feast for the citizens of Tai'an. As the host, the Taian team sent 30 athletes to participate in the competition.
2021/11/05 08:59
Auto cutting machine
Recently, the China National Textile and Apparel Council released the list of selected products and units of the top ten categories of textile innovation products for 2021. Ropenet Group's "Ice Climbing Equipment" and its subsidiary Shandong Rope Technology Co., Ltd. "Water Floating Rescue Equipment" both won Honorary title of "2021 Top Ten Textile Innovative Products".
Inverter Winder
On November 4th, representatives of teachers and students of Shandong First Medical University visited Ropenet Group and the Human Resources Department of Ropenet Group was responsible for accompanying the reception.
Vertical type split film making machine
Recently, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Shandong Province issued a notice on the announcement of the list of gazelles and unicorn enterprises in Shandong Province in 2021. Shandong Offshore Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Ropenet Group, was successfully selected.
Cam Winder
Rock climbing is known as the "Ballet on the Rock". It is a sport that integrates exploration, competition, fitness, entertainment and viewing. On October 26, the "China Sports Lottery" Rock Climbing Competition of the 11th National Fitness Games of Shandong Province kicked off in the rock climbing field of Tai'an Sports Center. 136 athletes from 8 teams across the province presented a high-level economic feast for the citizens of Tai'an. As the host, the Taian team sent 30 athletes to participate in the competition.