great! |Shandong Rope Technology Co., Ltd. won the third prize in the Shandong Science and Technology Information Innovation Achievement Competition (Taian special session)
2022/01/13 08:23
belt making machine

Technology is the foundation of a country's prosperity, and innovation is the soul of a nation's progress. In the new era, only innovators will advance, only innovators will be strong, and only innovators will win.

In order to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the 10th National Congress of the China Association for Science and Technology at the Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, give full play to the role of the Association for Science and Technology in enterprise innovation, and promote the better development of scientific and technological information application work in Tai'an, so that More companies improve their innovation capabilities, learn to leverage, and generate more typical cases of enterprise application. Recently, Shandong Association Service Center, Shandong Association of Engineers, Tai'an Science and Technology Association, and Tai'an Science and Technology Innovation Service Center hosted Shandong The list of winners of the Provincial Science and Technology Information Innovation Achievement Competition (Taian Session) was announced. Shandong Rope Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Ropenet Group, won the third prize.


Scientific and technological innovation is the first driving force for development, and the acquisition of scientific and technological information is the primary task of scientific and technological innovation. Ropenet Group will take this award as an opportunity to make full use of this platform and give full play to the application of scientific and technological information in the improvement of the group's independent innovation capability. Based on the needs of the market and customers, taking "scientific and technological innovation" as the guide, focusing on the product development of "new materials, new technologies, new processes, new applications, new equipment" and other related fields, relying on "specialization, Rationalized and systematic" service system to provide customers with professional and systematic product solutions. Let more and better products and services benefit the world, and continue to make greater contributions to the development of mankind.