To fulfill our original mission and fulfill our responsibility, Ropenet Group is working together to fight the epidemic and stop the epidemic.
2022/11/30 08:49
Spooling Machine

In November 2022, confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported. After investigation and judgment, lockdown areas were quickly designated according to the epidemic situation and the level of quarantine was raised. Some communities also conducted silent management according to their own conditions.

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At present, the epidemic prevention and control in our city is still in a critical period, and the epidemic situation is still affecting everyone's heart. Facing the sudden tense epidemic situation and sudden community silence, Ropenet people interpret what is professionalism with practical actions: in the production front line, more than 100 people live in the dormitory of the factory to ensure stable production; At the headquarters of the group, more than 40 senior executives and employees, including Chairman Shen Ming and President Qiu Yanping, volunteered to live in the company. Due to the shortage of beds, they made beds on the floor of the office to overcome various difficulties and ensure normal work. At the same time, the group held a meeting to urgently purchase bedding and mattresses, provide a living environment, provide three meals a day, and provide living security for every family member as much as possible. In addition, the group responded to the call in time and carried out nucleic nucleic tests on a daily basis according to the requirements of epidemic prevention, fully embodying the Ropenet spirit of "dedication and responsibility".

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Today, Shen Ming, President of Ropenet Group, Qiu Yanping, President of Ropenet Group, Gong Yudong, general manager of Machinery Company, Zhou Xiaoying, director of production and other senior executives of Ropenet Group went into the production line of the group to inspect and guide the epidemic prevention and control and production work under the epidemic environment, and to offer condolences to the employees who stick to the front line. In the face of the severe and complex epidemic situation, President Shen said that all companies of the Group should pay close attention to the epidemic prevention and control work, at the same time, firmly implement the important requirements of "epidemic prevention and control, economic stability and development", coordinate various epidemic prevention and control work, scientifically divide production areas, and fully guarantee the production of the Group.