Epidemic prevention and control is not slack, Ropenet Group fights the "epidemic" together
2022/04/08 09:32
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At present, the epidemic prevention and control situation is severe, and the risk of epidemic import and spread persists. In order to effectively protect the health of all employees, according to the current new situation and new situation of the epidemic, according to the Municipal Party Committee's leading group (command) for coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic operation The Office's "Notice on Carrying out the Second Round of Nucleic Acid Testing for All Staff" requires that, under the guidance of the chairman and president of the group, the Epinet Group Epidemic Committee Office immediately acted, made careful arrangements, and cooperated with the Shanggao Street Community Health Service Center to carry out a full-scale operation within the group. Staff nucleic acid testing.

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The epidemic is an order, and prevention and control is a responsibility. As soon as the epidemic prevention assembly horn sounded, the Group Epidemic Committee Office responded quickly, formulated corresponding emergency plans, assisted in nucleic acid testing of all employees, and built a strong fortress of epidemic prevention and control. We stand together in the same boat, rain or shine, and work together to overcome the difficulties together.