20th Anniversary of Ropenet Group | 20 Years of Prosperity
2022/04/15 08:44
Magnetic Winder

Stars live up to the rushers, Jiang He cares for the runners

The wind and rain are long, the road to entrepreneurship is long, and the years are long.

In April 2022, Ropenet Group celebrates its 20th birthday. 20 years of hard work and 20 years of hard work have gathered the efforts and efforts of Rope people, and carried the hopes and dreams of Rope people.

On April 11, Ropenet Group's "Twentieth Anniversary Birthday Party" was successfully held on the first floor of the group. All the family members of the Ropenet Group headquarters, as well as representatives of subsidiaries and production units, more than 200 people participated in this event. We look back on the 20 years of wind and rain and Brilliant, to witness this beautiful moment together.


Elite representatives from different periods and fields of Ropenet sent their blessings to the group. All the elites expressed that it is a blessing and a responsibility to join the big family of the Ropenet group and witness this glorious moment. In the days to come, with a heart of awe, we will live up to every trust and grow together with the group on the new journey, and work together to build new brilliance!

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Shen Ming, chairman of the group, and Qiu Yanping, the president, as the founders of the Ropenet Group, send their best wishes to the group for 20 years. On behalf of the Ropenet Group, Mr. Shen and Mr. Qiu extend their sincere thanks to the governments at all levels, friends from all walks of life and all Ropenet who have long cared about and supported us. Heartfelt thanks and sincere respect to the family! After 20 years of trials and hardships, the original intention is not negative to the future. I hope that all Rope people will maintain their original intention, go hand in hand, work together in the same direction, build a century-old foundation, and create a better tomorrow!

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There is a kind of persistence, which is where our feelings go; there is a kind of mission, which is proved by time; there is a kind of strength that supports us to forge ahead passionately. Since its establishment in 2002, Ropenet Group has been intensively cultivating the rope and net industry for 20 years, and has continued to surpass it with perseverance. Over the years, it has never forgotten its original intention. With a high sense of responsibility and mission, we have deeply cultivated the rope and net field, revitalized the national brand, and created the high-quality development of Lu Ropenet with ingenuity.

In the face of the outbreak of the epidemic, Ropenet Group is even more concentric, attacking with all-out efforts, taking an active role, taking the initiative to switch to the production of mask earbands, ensuring the supply of anti-epidemic materials, and safeguarding a bright future for human health, demonstrating the responsibility and responsibility of rope craftsmen in a great country.

At the age of 20, Ropenet has been on a 20-year journey. In the first 20 years, Ropenet has led the future with technological innovation, created an era with dreams, shouldered the mission to repay the society, and successfully achieved transformation and upgrading. A new starting point, a new chapter, and the second 20 years is about to set sail. Ropenet will definitely work together, strive to be the first, move forward bravely, continue to struggle, and create more splendid splendor with practical actions!

Twenty years of glory and prosperity, a new chapter of innovation and integration

Taking the mission to the future, Ropenet creates brilliance

Happy Birthday to Ropenet Group!

Flourish! Boom!